Corporate website for engineering services

screen m-lux



The site uses a practical menu for easy navigation, which, as you move down the page, always remains in sight so that the visitor can at any time go to the section of interest.

поле деятельности

The field of activity of the company is extensive and therefore, for convenience, it is presented in the form of cards, so that it is easier for the client to find the necessary information in his field of activity.


Services are presented in the form of cards with a brief description, which allows the site visitor to learn more about the services offered.


Information about the latest events of the company is presented in the form of convenient cards so that the site visitor can easily find out what the news is about.


Contacts are represented by a form that contains all the necessary information, and for ease of use, when you click on a phone number, you can redirect the number directly to your mobile phone, without any additional steps.

Project details

Client IGMT Industry GmbH
Developed 2022
Website type Corporate website

IGMT Industry GmbH is constantly developing new processes to improve efficiency, economy and sustainability for customers' factories.

In the development of individual projects, we use the latest achievements and innovations and cooperate with leading companies in the production of various equipment and equipment in order to supply products and services in different price categories to our customers.