Catalog website for auto lighting studio

screen m-lux


Goals of creating a website for an auto lighting studio

  1. Information about the studios services. Describe each service in detail and show the results of the work done in before/after format.
  2. Increasing the recognition and reliability of the studio. Posting reviews on the website.



For convenient navigation around the site, a practical menu is used, which, as you move down the page, always remains at the top of the screen, so that at any time you can go to the section that interests you.

популярные маршруты

The studio"s services are presented in the form of convenient cards in a separate block. By clicking on More details, you can go to a specific service with a detailed description.

карточка маршрута

Below are the works completed by the studio, including spectacular before/after photographs.

информация по оплате

To increase confidence in the studio, a block has been developed with reviews from clients who have used the services of “Fara-On”.

информация по оплате

So that a potential client understands how to interact with the car studio, a separate block is allocated, in which the client’s actions are described point by point.


Studio sales and website traffic increased. Thanks to the convenient application form, the number of requests has increased.

Project details

Client Fara-On
Developed 2024
Website type Website catalog

Car lighting studio “Fara-On” provides professional tuning services for car optics in Minsk. The procedure improves the quality of light and transforms the appearance of the car.
Today “” is the largest rental 
equipment park. Company provides rental construction equipment, cleaning, welding equipment, power tools, generators,
grinders, compressors and thousands of other positions.